======= Blume ======= Better Looking Universal Matplotlib Engine. Blume provides a replacement for the matplotlib table module. Displaying data as tables in matplotlib. It fixes a number of issues with the existing table and has: * more reliable code for automatically setting the font size to make best use of the space available. * Padding between text and the cell edges which works better across a range of text sizes. * First row of cell data is now row 0 regardless of whether the table has a row header. The row header is row -1. * New options to allow cell edge colours to be specified. To use the new table, just import `blume.table` and use that to create your tables instead of the `matplotlib.table.table`. :: from blume import table tab = table(ax, ..) The first parameter to table should be an *matplotlib.axes*. If you are using the *pyplot* interface, note that calling *pyplot.table* will use `matplotlib.table.table`. Instead import table from blume and use as follows:: from blume.table import table tab = table(plt.gca(), ...) Install ======= From source code ---------------- Get the latest code:: git clone http://github.com/swfiua/blume Install:: python3 setup.py install Using pip:: pip3 install blume Examples ======== The *blume/examples* folder has a number of demonstrations of what can be done with this table. You can run these with python3: python3 -m blume.example.cpr Or you can run a folder full of examples by using `blume.eggshow`. Or at least you could, until I improved things enough that scripts that use the *pyplot* interface no longer work. Best to run each example as standalone scripts or as follows for now:: python3 -m blume.examples.legendary Whilst I figure out what to do about eggshow. Requirements ============ The package will only require an *appropriate* version of matplotlib. This is to make it easy for anyone who is only here for the table. Most of the examples require other packages too. *healpy* ? Universal ========= The U in `blume`. This for now is the `blume.cpr` module. Update: the universe has moved to the *gotu* project. Testing ======= Run tests using:: pytest tests