================== Blooming Gardens ================== When I came up with the name `blume` I was very much thinking of *blooms* of flowers. A place where seeds turn into seedlings and some eventually produce flowers. Scatter some seeds or plant carefully in a pot to germinate. Take a cutting and place it in a new pot, see if survives the transplant. So, here is a place for some seeds of ideas that may blume into flowers one day. I typically write software to explore some data that I am interested in. Data that might answer some question I have. In many cases a little exploration will rapidly result in more questions than answers. Rarely is the original problem solved, rather it is replaced by *n* new problems that need to be solved first. At this point there is typically a python module, a few hundred lines. `argparse` to provide some options. And in those hundred lines, *n* ideas all twisted together. As with a garden, from a pile of seeds, what goes where? First, get some things growing. A month has passed, a month spent digging in the garden. Moving earth and rocks around to build a mini of paths and adventures. Taking a cutting, akin to extracting a feature from some example I have been working on. Sometimes it takes like magic, others need a little more work, with the possibility that its just not possible. I am pleased with the pieces coming together in the `blume` garden. Tools for browsing a world of data, sharing cuttings and codes for making flowers.