
Since some maybe here just to get a matplotlib.table working in matplotlib or just want to try examples with blume.eggshow no requirements other than an appropriate version of matplotlib will be required.

Some modules here may require astropy and/or healpix, but many modules should just run fine.

All the interactive tools currently require `curio`_ and `networkx`_


I have decided to change the requirements so any code that blume.magic and and the core that makes everything work, will now install the relevant dependencies.

I will still try to keep dependencies minimal.

I am making this change as I am starting to use the core in other projects, and I want to make it easy to install those projects.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

What about the table?

If you really need it and do not want the other dependencies, there are options such as taking a copy of the code.

See `news`_ for updates on where the project currently is heading.