Source code for blume.console

import code
import asyncio
import sys
from pathlib import Path

if sys.platform != 'emscripten':
    import readline
    import rlcompleter

    InteractiveConsole = code.InteractiveConsole
    from pyodide.console import Console as InteractiveConsole
    readline = False

from blume import magic

[docs] class Console(magic.Ball): """ Prompt for input """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.prompt = '>>> ' self.history = Path('~/.blume_history').expanduser() if kwargs: self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def complete(self, text): completions, index = self.console.complete(text) if len(completions) == 1: return completions[0] print(' '.join(completions)) return None async def start(self): # kludge together a namespace for the console and completer names = {} names.update(self.__dict__) names.update(globals()) names.update(locals()) self.console = InteractiveConsole(names) # incantation to make tab completion work if readline: completer = rlcompleter.Completer(names) readline.set_completer(completer.complete) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_auto_history(True) if self.history.exists(): readline.read_history_file(self.history) if sys.platform != 'emscripten': self.stdin_relay = magic.spawn(self.relay_stdin())
[docs] async def relay_stdin(self, txt=None): """ Put stdin into a queue This is useful(?) since code below can just wait on that queue and not worry about actual stdin eg on a pyodide web page. """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() while True: key = await loop.run_in_executor( None, input, txt or self.prompt) await self.put(key, 'stdin')
async def run(self): banner = """ ******************************** Welcome to the magic console. Your wish is my command! ******************************** """ print(banner) # print(self.prompt, end='') while True: key = await self.get('stdin') # Single character inputs => put them into the # Magic RoundAbout if len(key.strip()) == 1 and not self.console.buffer: char = key.strip() await self.put(char, char) else: try: result = self.console.push(key) if sys.platform == 'emscripten': """ emscriptem returns a promise that needs to be awaited TODO: unravel how it deals with incomplete lines of input. """ result = await result if result is not None: print(result) #print(self.prompt, end='') else: if result: [print(x) for x in self.console.buffer] else: pass #print() #print(self.prompt, end='') readline and readline.write_history_file(self.history) except Exception as e: print("exception") print(e) result = e
#await self.put(result, 'stdout') if __name__ == '__main__':